Monday, June 20, 2011
Infant Shoes
Infant Shoes
It is amazing how often medical opinions change. It seems that for every study that comes out in the medical field there is another study that follows closely behind it that gives the opposite opinion or finding. Certainly the media plays a role in this, but whenever I hear or read about a different study it seems to me that people just need to use common sense.
We were discussing this recently at a family gathering. My niece was there with her four month old baby shoes before I could get them laced up. It was a stressful way for both of us to start the day, but I thought it was so important to follow the doctor's orders.
Baby Shoes
My niece said that in her baby book it says not to put hard bottom s shoes.
For additional useful info visit the comprehensive Baby Guide [] at []
Thanks To : How to buy the right shoes.
- Labels: Hiking, Infant, Narrow, Narrow Hiking
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