Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Born to Run Book Review
Born to Run Book Review
Born to Run by Christopher Mcdougall is an inspiring book that actually gave me the desire to run more, and how to run better.
It reads in two ways, one part is the story, one part is the facts and history, dealing with hidden tribes and ancient human life. The fact of the matter is that we are born to run, the book discusses how our bodies were designed to run. From the structure of our bones to the muscles of our body. The sad part is that most shoe companies design there shoes to prevent some of the natural movement of the foot, thus making and causing issues with running and pain from running. The rolling of the foot from side to the ball of the foot is a natural and correct process. The thick shoes we use today prevent that from happening and also weaken our feet and legs and cause us to be more prone to injury.
Running Shoes
When discussing the ancient tribes some foods are also discussed. One is the seed familiar to us from the "chia pet". The Chia seed is actually a very nutritious source of important vitamins and minerals. It actually does taste quite good.
The Author also does a comparison between supper runners of today and these tribes of runners. Did you know there are supper marathons today, people are actually running 100 miles!
I would recommend this book to everyone, I already recommended it to a friend and he and his wife are runners. The things in the book has made them better runners and enjoy it more. Every now and again we talk about the book and what he is doing now with his running. I would recommend this book for two major reasons, first it is a good read with a good story and good facts and opinions, and second because it helps motivate people to do something that will help them physically with their health.
Get the book and enjoy. Then find yourself the best sort of shoes and go running!
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5174/5541371178_de16b28920.jpg Born to Run Book Review
Books are an important part of our life, reading and finding the best ones can be difficult. Read more great book reviews from http://www.yourbookclubreview.com.
Lance J Grover has studied nutrition and exercise for over 16 years. He has a 2nd degree blackbelt in Bushi-Ban Martial Arts and Fitness, and teaches at his own Martial Arts and Fitness school in Lehi, Utah.
Checkout Lance's Blog at: http://groverfamily.org
Related : MasonEzPay.com Hard to find shoes size
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